Brand Enhancement

Employer Brand

Provide free resources to keep rejected candidates engaged, creating a pipeline for future roles and opportunities.

Strengthen your competitive edge by offering more than just a job; provide a pathway to career advancement for all applicants.

Turn rejected candidates into brand ambassadors with free resources, enhancing your employer appeal and referrals.

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No Cost to You or the Candidate

Completely free for candidates, ensuring access to valuable resources without any financial burden.

Zero cost to employers, offering a high-impact candidate support system without affecting your budget.

No implementation cost, enabling a seamless integration of supportive resources into your existing recruitment process.


Candidate Experience

Demonstrate empathy; make every applicant feel valued with free resources, enhancing their job search journey.

Show genuine concern for candidates' futures with helpful resources, elevating their experience and your brand's empathy.

Transform rejection into a positive touchpoint, reflecting your company's dedication to candidate growth.

Turn rejection letters into redirection letters.

Improve candidate experience and enhance your employer brand at no cost to you or the candidate by providing them with a landing page of free resources to help them on their journey forward.

Your Logo Here & Career Club

We want to help you with your journey forward.

Sign up to immediately receive free tools to help you in your job search.

Job Search Tracking Tool

Job Search Tracking Tool

Don't get lost in the chaos of job applications. Our tracking tool is the ultimate organizer, helping you monitor job applications, follow-ups, and key contacts, all in one user-friendly platform.

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Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

Want expert job search advice but feel like you can't afford a career coach? Join Bob Goodwin, a LinkedIn Top Job Search Strategies Voice, every Thursday at 1:00 ET for best practices and a live Q&A where he will answer your most pressing job-related questions.

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Get Your Mind In A Good Place

Maintaining a positive attitude throughout your job search and developing resiliency are key. We will walk you through how to keep an even KEEL throughout your entire journey.